Complete Story


Randy Disharoon

aeaRandy has an extensive background in both distribution and manufacturing makes him uniquely qualified to address the issues that both types of organizations face in today’s market environment.

He holds a B.S. in Engineering and two master’s degrees, including an MBA. At age 23, he was certified as a nuclear engineer. At 25, he was leading training courses for officers in the nuclear Navy. Since then, Randy has served in a number of leadership roles, and in every case, his teams have outperformed the market and peer teams. His timeless principles will unleash the potential of every leader in attendance.


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Strategic Pricing For Distributors: Tools and Rules for Building Higher Margins

Brent Grover

UID Book Store Covers

Experience shows that most distributors are leaving at least two percentage points of gross trading margin on the table. This translates into 2% of total sales. Many companies can ultimately achieve more. The improvement is attainable fairly quickly and has proven to be sustainable. Two percent is the difference between mediocre profit results and stellar performance!

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